miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

2.3 Egyptian art

According to Toni Owen "Once a papyrus sheet was formed it was joined together with other sheets to form long rolls. The papyrus roll format dates back to ~3,000 BCE and there is little evidence individual sheets were ever used alone. Smaller papyrus documents were either from halved or quartered rolls cut to certain lengths.
To make the roll, individual sheets were overlapped slightly; normally the sheet on the right overlapped the sheet on the left by 1-2 cm. The overlap was pasted, pressed and possibly burnished. Recent analysis has identified starch paste in the joins of several ancient papyri. Twenty sheets was the standard roll."

So now you can compare the texture with the so called Papyriform columns. In fact the rolls were prepared in a way that horizontal fibers were on the inside and the vertical ones on the outside. If rolled in the opposite direction (vertical fibers inside) the fibers would have been crushed.

Look at a real papyrus

Now compare these with the texture designed for the columns
 Watch these video that has great facts from the ones studied in class Ancient Egyptian art 
After, answer these two questions:

1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

70 comentarios:

  1. Valeria Ortega Silva
    -The painting had relief.
    -The egipcian culture always was foccused in the "After life", so their paintings and sculptures always represented that.
    -In the old kingdom they used to built their pyramids at tomb made of squarish mand faced with brick and stone.
    -Most of the pyramids has funerary chambers.
    -With the time, the style of the scuptures change.
    2.- Because,the painter didn´t express his feelingsm the paintings were more foccused in religion and cultural terms.

  2. Braulio Vega

    Egyptian art is consisted in portraying life after death, they were focused on honoring the rituals that made sure that they would have the benefit of an after life.

    2. Because they have a code or a rule into how they paint, their style is known as frontalism, which consists of the head to be facing to the side while the body is facing forward.

    1. Excellent Braulio, the frontal law is something that we are going to study in the classroom, so I hope you can contribute with your explanation

  3. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    - It was inspired by a religion dominated by the idea of an afterworld, they created a profusion of monumental sculptures. The Egyptian world for sculptor meant "He who keeps alive."
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    - They were further motivated by a belief that rebirth after death depended on the on the accuracy and completeness with wich the dead were rendered. So their paintings has to be rigid to show respect.
    Elizabeth García A01169229

    AXEL REYES A01370081
    MACARENA COLIN A01370592

    Egyptian art was mainly about symbology of their religion and with the purpose of represent and show respect to pharaoes.

    The egypts painted everything in a rigid way because they wanted to represent the whole body in the stone wall they had to do it so it can be well appreciated from a lot of angles.

    1. Guys, the answers are quite good, but they´re supposed to be individually :S
      Who do you want me to evaluate you? Axel is the owner of the account, but what happen with Mauricio and MAca?

  5. Isabel Moscoso Gavaldá
    1.Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    *The paintings were about the several gods and the things they liked, they talked about the afterlife, the rituals and traditions they had.
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    *Because they didn't express theselves, the paintings are about stories and legends that were transmitted form generation to other. They used their art to control the people.

    1. This is a great observation, they were not artists, they only transmitted according orders

  6. Michelle Herrera Sierra

    -The art of ancient Egypt falls into three main periods, the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms beginning about 3000 BC and spanning 2,000 years overall. There is remarkable continuity, representing a deeply religious and traditionalist society. Sculpture and painting are highly stylized, following strict conventions and using symbols of a religion centred on the afterlife and idealization of the dead, their servants, families, and possessions.

    -Egyptian art had a number of strict conventions for representing the human body that allow their works to be immediately recognizable to even the most untrained eye. These conventions were methods used to represent every figure, from slaves to gods.

    -Another convention of Egyptian art was to depict gods, including the pharaoh

  7. 1) they were motivated by a belief that rebirth after death depended on the accuracy and completeness with which the dead were rendered. Their sculptures meant he who keeps alive.

    2)They paint such in a rigid manner because was to encourage the ideal canon of systematic properties. Also was to show the divinity of the pharoes.

    Ma. de Lourdes Meixueiro Castillo a01169878

    1. I love that you started using art terms as "canon" to support your arguments. This is a great example of your critical thinking development

  8. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    They paintings were based in what they lived evry day an in what was considered correct in terms of politic religion and society.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    Because they were inspired by religion, by the idea of afterword.

    Ana Laura Gómez Alvarado 1169716


    1-. It is because they have a lot of traditions and this is why they did their arts like that because they were based on their traditions and also they were motivated by a belirth after death.

    2- Because they didnt have a lot of painting tools and they only paint with the tools that they had in that time

    1. Thanks Irving, this is a different point of view, related to the technique.

  10. Alan Arteche 1169481
    1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions:
    Egyptians believed in afterlife, so they built pyramids for the pharaohs when they died. The Egyptians filled the pyramid´s chambers with lots of daily life objects, paintings, relieves, sculptures and hieroglyphics; things that a soul would need in the afterlife. Big pyramids were only built for members of the royal family. Their artworks were dedicated mainly to their gods and goddesses.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    Because they had a belief that rebirth after death depended on the accuracy and completeness with which the dead were rendered, so they tried to make their paintings as perfect as possible. They also had the intention of their artworks and chambers to last eternally.

    -To me, the 3 big pyramids of Giza are the most amazing artworks of the Egyptian culture. It was supposed that the pharaoh´s god was Ra, the god of Sun, so when a pharaoh died and was left in its pyramid, it meant the final resting place of the Sun. It is said that the pyramids used to be covered with a layer of gold that symbolized the Sun. The pyramids had a lot of arquitectonical perfection and were made several thousand years ago.

    1. So life after death and perfection were two important conventions in egyptian art, great!

  11. 1
    They created their sculpturs to represent afterlife.
    They created tombs locked for the then eternity.
    The old kingdom architecture mastabashad a chapel
    Pyramides were built for honor the gods
    The style of made sculptures changed with the time.
    2. It was because they didn't pretent to do art as beauty it was for religion (afterlife) and politic porpouses.

    1. Excellent Aidé! In class when we get into the concept of "art by art" I hope you can explain why the egyptians did not follow this purpose

  12. 1-It was inspired by they religon and it was foucus on the life after death.
    2- because the painting are based on the religion and the painter dont expres his feellings on it.
    Moises Morales Leyva A01169232
    Juan Pablo Vela Calderón A01169235

    1. So, you used Aide´s account, but I have a post of two, while it was supposed to be individual. To whom do I have to consider the grade?


    1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions.
    R: Egyptians made two dimensional art since they are made on flat surfaces, like papyrus, flat rocks. They followed specific rules dictating how to draw the human body.
    They were also inspired by the afterlife and what would happen to their soul when they died.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    R: Because what the represented was mostly their religion and thir beliefs they needed to follow certain rules. The egyptians did not paint the humean body as they saw it, bau as what they thought was the truth about human body.

  14. Estefanía Villanueva Ceballos

    1.- Convention of Egyptian art was to depict gods, including the pharaoh, and other important figures much larger in size than everyone else in the scene. This was a simple way to indicate status.
    2.- Because they were based on life, afterlife, religion, and the natural world so its the way they express, and they do not have a lot of elements so this was the only manner.

    1. These are great observations about the way they planned the dimenssions of the characters inside a painting

  15. 1) Egyptians used to paint in a type of paper named papyrus, they painted about what they did and about their gods and pharaohs, they made sculptures and structures to their gods and rulers.

    2) Some of their art is representing what they believed of the after-life, they thought that when you died, you would be reborn in another person, they made they paintings based on that.

    Ian Manuel Hernández A01169722

  16. Ericka Gabriela Carzon Aguilera

    1.The conventions of Egyptian art were also poorly suited for portraying whole narratives, so most myth-related artwork consists of sparse individual scenes.

    2. The ancient Egyptians created paintings to make the after life of the deceased a pleasant place and accordingly, beautiful paintings were created. The paintings are painted in such a way that it shows a profile view, and a side view of the animal or person.

    1. Very good observations. In fact this is called the "frontal law"

  17. Javier Miramontes Figueroa

    1.- The Egyptians believed in life after death, in the honor of dying with the God, worship the gods who were animals, and made statues and totems of them.

    2.- why in this way the Egyptians told their stories, myths, rituals and were easy to store and hide, could save his teachings and beliefs for the history.

    1. Remember that: when you answer you don´t use why but because. Yur post are good tks!

  18. 1. The Egyptians made sculptures about they gods, animals they adore, the pharaohs and also the people of Egypt. They also made paints in walls and in papyrus that is a kind of paper.
    2.The Egyptians paint in a rigid manner because that was like the style that civilization used in that era.

    Maximiliano Arciniega D.

  19. 1-.the entire period of Egyptian art but concentrates on the early development during the Old Kingdom; the Amarna period is specifically excluded.

    2-.The paintings are painted in such a way that it shows a profile view, and a side view of the animal or person. Some examples of such paintings are the paintings of Osiris and Warriors.
    Oscar Lopez Torre A01370750

  20. 1) They use symbology with the objective to represente the afterlife. And their paintingswhere based on their daily lives

    2)because they were pincipaly inspired in the religion and culture

    Sergio Becerra A01169906

  21. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    -The Egyptians painted in papyrus, hey made pyramids, they painting about their gods in murals and they expressed in their paintings the "afterlife".
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    the Egyptians cretaed the piramids for their pharaohs, because they thouhgt that the pharahos should be in only one place when they died, they thouhgt in the afterlife but they said that they would reborn.

    Pedro Isaac Atilano Hdez.

    1. Class was finished. So, even you answers are vey good, I´ll have to get you a lower grade considerin punctuality

  22. 1Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    1 The Egyptian artistic conventiones are describing history of gods an pawerfool persons , alsow they represented all what happended afterlife whith all the pearsons ,as well the history of the faraons .
    2Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    2 there painting where paint in a rigid manner becous they yoused that to explane of how to plant or how they now there gods by puting faces of the animals .

    Sebastian Arana Quintana A01370237

  23. 1.-their main idea in paintings and sculptures was the AFTER LIFE
    -The painting had relief,also their paintings in the mural, were based in the after life, expressing their beliefs and gods
    -they practiced a lot polychrome, it was considered a cannon of beauty
    2 they were mainly concerned by religion,and they didnt paint for the art, it was because of the Pharaon orders.
    paola melissa olvera

  24. • the pyramids were not exactly a palace, they were thumbs.
    •the Egyptians have a different way about they see the life after death " Life after death, living forever" they meant "immortality"
    •the journey after death was made by boat, take note that the boats were only made for important people, like Pharahons, who were considered the gods on earth
    •they couldn't express their feelings the term "art by art" didn't exist for them.
    • the sculptures were made to preserve the soul according to their canon beauty
    • the technique was polychrome
    2. Their art was based on religion, they painted demigods, like Anubis who had the head of a wolf and they associate it with preparation after dead.
    Tanya Romero A01370593

  25. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    They made art for their gods, also made pyramids, they believe in ethernal life, like an after life and they have to prepare to it, but only the pharaons can be inside a pyramid. They also write in papyros, and made relief art.
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    'cuz they were followin orders of the parahons, they didn't express they're own feellings.

  26. ximena ezquerro
    Ancient Egyptian art forms are characterized by regularity and detailed depiction of gods, human beings, heroic battles, and nature, and were intended to provide solace to the deceased in the afterlife. Artists endeavored to preserve everything from the present as clearly and permanently as possible. Ancient Egyptian art was created using mediums ranging from papyrus drawings to pictographs (hieroglyphics) and include funerary sculpture carved in relief and in the round from sandstone, quartz diorite and granite.
    - because they follow the orders of the parahons, they cant express their feellings

  27. Miguel Araiza 1169708

    1.Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions

    What i see is that the egyptian art is like, they didn´t express his own stories, they express his art by paintings about legends that transmit from one generation to another.
    I also look that the paintings always are about of several gods, the pharaoh is one of his most importante figures and they always think in life after death, they are tip of his traditions they used to have.

    2.Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    I think they paint in a such rigid maner because is was kind of what they want to represent, his religión, his beliefs, his dreams, his frustrations, they also have to follow rules. I think that painting in that rigid manner was part of the tecnique in those era, and for these era was beautiful, fantastic and fasinating.

  28. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions

    The egyptians made murals of their gods and for their pharaohs they made the pyramids because they thought that was the best manner to praise the pharaohs and also because the religion say so.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    Because that was the material that has in their hands to put their history and also because they discover the technique of the rock and also the manner of the painting.

  29. 1 describe several Of the egyptian artistic conventions
    The egyptian make this artistic convention for praise their gods and their pharaohs and also because the religion said that and because the egyptian people beliave in gods and the make a ceremony for his gods
    2 why did egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    They make this things with the material they have and also they have a technique to paint or make this things also they make this with some rocks and some other things.

  30. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  31. the egypt culture take ideas of the mesopotamia but they adapted to their own religion and believes they created the pyramids with the main purpuse to be tumbs to their pharaons, because the egyptians believe in life after dead the original name of the pyramids are mastabas, the egyptians they weren't concidered as artist because they only paint or create the things were order, they can't express their feeling or thoughs this is call theocratic art, even though the can't express themselves they made a great contrubution to the arts.
    their beauty canon were frontal law they created their paintings and scultures in a certain possition they also invented the obelisk.

    the egyptians were a very interesting culture they contributed a lot to the development of art

  32. 1.-I think the Egyptians drew in murals all the things that had happened and how was their thought about the gods and what was the role in representing their community and so they made ​​pyramids to worship him.

    2.- the materials they used were the ones they think that can write something and this materials they contrive to make others materials and used the things they have in their enviorament.

  33. Alejandro Parera
    1- They mostly drew murals in the walls of the buildings and insde the pyramids to tell stories and to speak about their city and the pharon and his queen were the ones who were mostly represented with a very beautiful form, they also made sculpture such as the sphinxes.

    2-it was because the pharaon was the one that directed the artists what su paint and what to do

  34. i think that egyptians draw in the walls to explain all the things that happen and they want to show that they believe in gods, and the Egyptians made pyramids and sculptures for their gods.

    2.-the egyptians have to follow the directions of the pharaon they cannot represent their feelings

  35. 1) Egyptian art or convention, was based mostly in painting,sculpture and arquitecture. I think all of this things where made for an important role in establishing a sense of order. They wanted to show, not only their culture or their appereance; they also wanted to show, the way of life, religion, believes (gods) and the different kind of social status around the culture. The arquitecture also may simbolyze, not only infrastructure or tumbs, it may also was made for shoing the type of perfection and calculation of the egyptians. After all they where very good at maths!!!
    2) The rigid way the egyptians paint was not only because of the orders of their superiors, it may also was the way they knew to express or represent themselves, others ans their way of life!

  36. ---Alejandro Garcia Hurtado A01370748---

    1- Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions

    They made art for their gods, also made pyramids, they believe in ethernal life, like an after life and they have to prepare to it, but only the pharaons can be inside a pyramid. They also write in papyros, and made relief art.

    2- Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    'cuz they were followin orders of the parahons, they didn't express they're own feellings.

  37. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions:
    Egyptians used to paint in a type of paper named papyrus, they painted about what they did and about their gods and pharaohs, they made sculptures and structures to their gods and rulers.
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    Some of their art is representing what they believed of the after-life, they thought that when you died, you would be reborn in another person, they made they paintings based on that.

    Humberto Sanchez Rivera A01370024

  38. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    They made their art based on what their Faraons said and what they were told to do, they sculptures, paintaings,and architecture were built to their gods and Faraons.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    They painted like that beacuse their Faraonse made them paint like that and they wanted to make it more realistic.

  39. In my opinion the egypts love their gods so they made lots of wonderful sphinx.
    The Egyptian artistic conventiones descrive the history of gods pharaons, alsow they represented all what happended afterlife

    Alejandro Resendiz Ramirez A01370080

  40. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions:
    -They made many of different art compared with another cultures because they were inspired and motivated by the religion an the life after dead using really showy designs and colors.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    Because they want to give to their art an realistic image and they were really detailed like the result of the tools that they used to use.

    Andrei Mijes 1370022

  41. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    -Egyptian art is based on immortality, "Living forever... That´s immortality". They describe their religion, their beliefs, like gods, fertility.
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    The reason is that the ones that were real artist can not express themselfs, because the Pharaoh decided how art had to be. The just produce.
    María José García 1370363

  42. Martin Lira Martinez
    1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    All their art and were made for relgion and polit purpose, for example they feel that if they put his king in a tomb it will bee resting and the will have peac
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    Because their paints were for the religion and they have to do it like that

  43. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions:

    t is important when looking at Egyptian wall paintings to remember what we are looking at. This is not some pretty picture to cheer up a tomb but had a vital and significant purpose.

    Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    many aspects of Egyptian ancient culture exist in interaction with newer elements, together with the influence of modern Western culture

    Mariana Perez

  44. 1.- Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions:

    Egyptian artistic conventions are striking because they are large and very beautiful.

    2.- Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    because if they liked most to them and that they needed to understand more what they painted

    Daniel Alejandro Gómez Guzmán A01370749

  45. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic convention
    -Almost all the paintings were about the god, immortality, and how the pharaoh live after he die.

    Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    -they didn't had a technique of painting so they did it the way they could also the artists only do what they were asked to do not what they wanted.

  46. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    one of the conventions consist in highlight the absolutely divine condition of the pharaoh
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    they used to paint in bas-relief for the sculpture identification and the pictorial art


  47. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions
    They paint there belives like the gods and faraons. They belive in the life after dead that is why in all of the paints there is a symbol that have the meaning of the key of the eternity life,
    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?
    because they want to conserve all the life these art

  48. egyptian art for me isn´t very increible except the piramids that are so big and magnifict that is impresionant that the egyptians do it more than 2000 years before these days

  49. 1. Describe several of the Egyptian artistic conventions

    The Ancient Egyptian culture is very different too most of the cultures. First we can say on the figures of their drawings because they always have head and arms in profile, eyes full frontal and upper chest view. Men and women had different proportion; men tend to be drawn in a muscular way when women were drawn slim. The proportion on the body was a rigid rule, the arms and wrist where kind of the same size and the arms where out of proportion compared to the size of the bodies.

    2. Why did Egyptians paint in such a rigid manner?

    Egyptians tended to paint with so many rules so when someone sees their paintings they can quickly identify from which culture they are watching.

    Andrés Sánchez A01016461
