jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Romanesque art

The Romanesque period was from approximately 800 A.D. to 1100 A.D.  The term Romanesque was first given to this type of architecture in the 19th Century due to it's similarities between the barrel vault and the Roman arch.  Church buildings, art, and sculpture, were all used for the purpose to spread the Christian Gospel.
    During this time in Europe there was a very large interest in religion.  Large numbers of people traveled on pilgrimages to visit sites of saints and martyrs.  People believed that holy relics had the power to do miracles.  The routes to the more famous holy places, such as Santiago, became very well traveled and required larger buildings to hold the large crowds.   The basilica style church could not hold the large crowds which were coming.  They began to build churches in the shape of the Latin cross.   The pilgrim would enter the church through the nave.  They would then come to the area known as the crossing, which was under a groin vault, where the vaults of the nave and the transepts  would intersect.  The relics of the church would be held and displayed in the area of the high alter.  The pilgrims would be allowed to view the relics from the ambulatory which allowed for a good traffic pattern for these large crowds.  The more famous the relics a church held, the larger the crowds it would attract.

The architects also wanted to get away from using wood for the ceilings.  They began to use stone ceilings on the new type of churches.   Barrel or groin vaults were used in the ceiling.  The stone was supported in the middle by the arch construction but was very heavy.  The weight of the ceilings would tend to buckle the walls outward.  This pressure outward is known as outward thrust.  To support the walls, large piles of stone would be stacked along the wall in intervals to buttress (or support) the walls from pushing outward.

Due to the weight of the stone ceiling, the wall of the church had to be very thick.  Windows had to be small to keep the strength of the wall strong.  Because of this, the churches interior was dim.  This was not solved till the gothic church design was used. 

Look for a picture of a castle, monastery, baptistery, church or any other building that belongs to this period. Upload the picture with a three lines comment of which elements of the building let you know that this building belomgs to the Romanesque period. You cannot repeat buildings sent by your peers, so hurry up to be the first one!!

44 comentarios:

  1. The romanesque art is so impressionant because is almost perfect, the architecture is awesome as we can see in the pisa tower, is almot perfect.

    1. Gibran, pelase read again what you have to do. You need to upload a picture of a Romanesque building without

  2. The Beauvais Romanesque Cathedral has many characteristics which let you see the kind of architecture it was build. It is made of stone, supported by archs but as the stone ceilings where to heavy they created flying buttress to support the walls. For me the stained glass of this cathedral is the best part of it, because of their beautiness.
    P.S: Teacher I don't know how to uploud the picture but here is the link. http://m.forocoches.com/foro/showthread.php?t=2824937&page=2

  3. Montecassiono Monastery

    This construction is one of the most representative ones of the Romanesque period, we can se these in the rounded archs and the low numer of windows, most part of the walls are made of stone and there are no windows in it

  4. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?um=1&hl=es&sa=N&rlz=1C1CHJL_esMX448MX448&biw=1280&bih=653&tbm=isch&tbnid=Vyv1uW6q2G4VVM:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanesque_architecture&docid=UehQA-gCjMBkKM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/94/Maria_Lach_02.jpg/300px-Maria_Lach_02.jpg&w=300&h=232&ei=I8ZbUPuPDNKA2QWLhoDwCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=596&vpy=335&dur=1554&hovh=185&hovw=240&tx=185&ty=146&sig=104296574848106486768&page=2&tbnh=147&tbnw=176&start=19&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:19,i:142

    This is the Maria Laach Abbey in Germany, we can saw the archivolts and high towels, also we can see the columns and there many small windows.

  5. The Romanesque churches were not very tall because in that time they didn´t know a lot of architecture and it could fall also they constructed like a lot of little parts of the buildings very close that helped not to fall. And they used pendentives to support and decorate this is an example of churche of that time:


  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. This is a Romanesque church because it has really small windows to keep the iside of the church very dark and also other thing that charactrises the Romanesque structures is that is made with brick and has archibolts.


  8. you can si de archictecture that i has windous and it has big windous also that it has the artitecture of the high taweres de gargors and all the especific points that it has lice arcs.


  9. church of san Milanhttp://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/17347/The-Romanesque-church-of-San-Millan-Segovia-Spain

    it can be easily distinguished as a romanesque church because of his cornels, it has many of them, it also has a lot of arches, in the entrance, in the windows, everywhere. Other thing that refers to this style is the short buildings with big towers, this because they don't knew how to keep a heigh construction in good conditions.

    Juan Pablo Vela

  10. The picture i select, is the church of Cenac, in France and i think that is easy to know that is of that period because we can saw the high towels that is an icon of the romansque art, also we can see the columns and there 2 or 3 smalls windows.


  11. RODRIGO DIAZ 1370331




  12. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=romanesque+building&um=1&hl=es&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=827&tbm=isch&tbnid=f_dwS-pEjFxopM:&imgrefurl=http://www.rankopedia.com/Favourite-Romanesque-building/Step1/19695/.htm&docid=raZCKel8HvUZBM&imgurl=http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/66115.gif&w=280&h=205&ei=XE5jULv0AcnnyAH6n4GQAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=218&sig=110878653523342525311&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=178&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:21,s:0,i:134&tx=172&ty=48

    is a romanesque building because you can se the type of windows and the type of arquitecture that is very special, and tjis builing have archs that are very important in romanesque art

  13. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=Romanesque+building+churches&um=1&hl=es&sa=X&biw=1321&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=rplc8wQ8BevyvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.burgundyeye.com/attractions/historic-buildings/romanesque-burgundy-since-the-year-1001/&docid=fdqv2ZSBfmQ55M&imgurl=http://www.burgundyeye.com/images/uploads/main/11151788541FS-church-romanesque-1.jpg&w=320&h=240&ei=fmVjUPLaBuWg2QX10IC4Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=505&vpy=290&dur=596&hovh=192&hovw=256&tx=156&ty=97&sig=100687356567337210409&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:96

    Burgundy is famous for its wines and gastronomic tradition but is also known for its Romanesque treasures.
    The Romanesque style of architecture was introduced to Burgundy by Guillaume de Volpiano who came to Cluny in 987. He began the construction of the basilica of Saint-Benigne de Dijon in 1001 and the next year founded the Abbey of Bec in Normandy.
    Its circular arches, however, created problems by producing outward thrust forces on the walls. The introduction of vaulted roofs concentrated the weight onto pillars which could be supported by buttresses.

    Mariana Pérez Sáenz

  14. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=Romanesque+building+churches&um=1&hl=es&sa=X&biw=1321&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=rplc8wQ8BevyvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.burgundyeye.com/attractions/historic-buildings/romanesque-burgundy-since-the-year-1001/&docid=fdqv2ZSBfmQ55M&imgurl=http://www.burgundyeye.com/images/uploads/main/11151788541FS-church-romanesque-1.jpg&w=320&h=240&ei=fmVjUPLaBuWg2QX10IC4Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=505&vpy=290&dur=596&hovh=192&hovw=256&tx=156&ty=97&sig=100687356567337210409&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:96

    The Burgundy is a Romanesque treasures. It is a Basilica with a peculiar architecture with the use of many different sources of arquitecture use in that time.

  15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bracomfotografie/4934667974

    It is a Romanesque castle because it has very tall towers, pointed arches, stained glasses and a lot of characteristic of this period.

  16. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Duomo_di_Pisa,_facciata.JPG

    This building is a good example for Romanesque architecture because of the semi-circular arches that are in the front view of the building. Also because you can see that the building have Roman and Byzantine influences.

  17. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EBq9covCU9o/RqB_MmtmorI/AAAAAAAACSM/EY2EZpOPoSg/s400/YIMG_2596.JPG

    The Lessay Abbey in France is a great example about how the Romanesque influence to all the medieval time in Europe of the tall towers, archs and the windows.

  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_of_Santa_Mar%C3%ADa_de_Ala%C3%B3n
    (I don't know if they have already used this monastery but I can't check all the comments to see that)

    You can see that this monastery (Abbey of Santa María de Alaón) is from the Romanesque because you can see that they didn't make very tall towers and they had small windows. The tower must have something like bells because they didn't know how to support the weight of heavier constructions.

  19. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=romanesque+building&um=1&hl=es&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=591&tbm=isch&tbnid=5TjJNc1RZYKF3M:&imgrefurl=http://lzscene.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/gothic-and-romanesque/&docid=o1RqdLSvIiZeqM&imgurl=http://lzscene.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/duomo_front.jpg&w=567&h=470&ei=XNJjUMHPMITM2AWCkIDYBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=98&vpy=123&dur=485&hovh=204&hovw=247&tx=101&ty=104&sig=109515083754370899967&page=2&tbnh=127&tbnw=163&start=18&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:18,i:146

    Duomo Di Piza:
    This is crearly a representation of the Romanesque, it is made of stone, with wooden roofs because building stone roofs wasnt mastered yet, it was very dark inside, it has round arches, it has corinthian columns. It wasn't to high because the were learning how to build.

  20. http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/116411687-agliate-romanesque-church-of-san-pietro-thinkstock.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=B53F616F4B95E55387CC474FF284039EB1FE958B1F44D456F82AE63E8DDD9B20AF02A446DE301F85

    Is a Roman Catholic titular church and minor basilica in Rome, Italy, best known for being the home of Michelangelo's statue of Moses, part of the tomb of Pope Julius II. The interior has a nave and two aisles, with three apses divided by antique Doric columns, also have rounded arches. The aisles are surmounted by cross-vaults, while the nave has an 18th century coffered ceiling, frescoed in the center by Giovanni Battista Parodi.

  21. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=Romanesque+building&start=205&um=1&hl=es&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=1AHl2VzdD_Fj9M:&imgrefurl=http://meru-mvu.org/sint-odilienberg/worth-to-see/&docid=ztvtUO5R48YvHM&imgurl=http://www.meru-mvu.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/DSC_2179b.jpg&w=1020&h=755&ei=12dkUNywJsT42QXNzICwAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=346&vpy=324&dur=1044&hovh=193&hovw=261&tx=185&ty=56&sig=110235561012312314250&page=11&tbnh=151&tbnw=203&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:205,i:90&biw=1110&bih=684

    I select that church becouse i like that is like the same estructure for the bout sides and have some windows thar are not to big enought and have cross becouse is a church but y didnt see a church with 2 cross and also i like the place were is in.

  22. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=cathedral&um=1&hl=es&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=Tny0b3o0oTkgHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/dunblane/cathedral/index.html&docid=zSxin-rD0WiVGM&imgurl=http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/dunblane/cathedral/images/cathedral-450.jpg&w=450&h=328&ei=BW5kUMH_CYTQ2AWwiYHoCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=366&sig=110235561012312314250&page=3&tbnh=168&tbnw=246&start=35&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:35,i:296&tx=73&ty=56&biw=1110&bih=706

    dunblane cathedral Dunblane Cathedral is the larger of the two Church of Scotland parish churches serving Dunblane, near the city of Stirling, in central Scotland. and this has a flying butress outside

  23. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?start=129&um=1&hl=es&sa=N&biw=930&bih=615&tbm=isch&tbnid=iqhSDAtcDnLciM:&imgrefurl=http://onmilwaukee.com/visitors/articles/romanesque.html&docid=flK2a0h0qZMo3M&imgurl=http://onmilwaukee.com/images/articles/ro/romanesque/romanesque_fullsize_story8.jpg&w=799&h=600&ei=5s5kUNmLBeHc2QWdmYG4Ag&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=633&vpy=202&dur=119&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=198&ty=107&sig=115860669776991449385&page=8&tbnh=123&tbnw=186&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:129,i:168
    We can asume this building is from the Romanesque period because of the circular archs supporting the building, and the many and small windows.

  24. http://www.oratrip.com/UserFiles/Image/----2011-11-8/aus9.jpg

    This structure is The Kreuzenstein castle and characteristics that let me know this structure is part of the Romanesque are that it has Cornels, small windows,and a big vault, also I think it has like a monster at the top.

  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Firenze.Baptistry06.JPG

    This image is from the romanesque because of the vault,the pinnacle, the archs, small windows etc.

  26. It's a Romanesque building because it has a lot of archs, very little windows, we can see that almost at the top are 2 demons, we can see that upside of the 3 entrances are a different manuscript that is telling a story.

  27. http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://www.tredy.com/public/foto/place_to_visit/foto_sezioni_piccole/pisa_battisterio_pic.jpg#.UGTzbE3Mg_c

    This is an image is the largest baptistery in Italy. The portal, facing the facade of the cathedral, is flanked by two classical columns and it has its archs around it.

  28. http://walkiberia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Romanesque-art-in-Galicia.jpg

    this curch is located in santiago de compostela, is the end of the way of santiago, some people come from paris or other point of france walking to these curch in galicia

  29. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AbbaziaSAntimoPanorama.jpg
    I know this is a Romanesque building for the different cultures that convinate in it, like the rose flower of the gothic period, algo, that in this time, the were capacitable to do tall buliding, with tall walls, and also because they don´t have any ornament in the outside part as decoration.

  30. http://www.sacred-destinations.com/categories/romanesque

    This page contain a most of the buildings of Romanesque, the art of this man is awesome. Romanesque churches were the first buildings to incorporate monumental sculpture since ancient Rome and the first to use a stone vault instead of a wooden roof.

  31. http://www.charlottesvveb.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/trier-catherdral.jpg

    Cathedral of Trier is a romanesque building because it has small windows that doesnt let the light enter, pointed archs, columns in single pieces,columns in pointed form, this is the main roman catholic church

  32. http://www.sacred-destinations.com/norway/images/trondheim/nidaros-cathedral/resized/west-front-cc-ezio-armando.jpg

    This a picture of the nidaros-cathedral and well if we look the picture, we can see that the church is from the romanesque period because it has a lot of characteristics of the romanesque art like the rounded archs and other characteristics that represents this period.

  33. 1-because they began to use the flying butress so they can support the weight of the curch better than before

    2-the buttress are the support that is inside of the curch and the flying buttress is the suppor that it is outside of the curch

  34. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Maria_Lach_02.jpg
    The church is considered an important example of German Romanesque architecture. With its short length and multitude of towers and turrets, the church resembles a fairy-tale fortress, accentuated by its scenic, lakeside setting.


  35. http://www.flickr.com/photos/adfinem/sets/72157629757228494/

    san juan del mercado
    Its plant in 62 m long x 24 m width is of type basilica with three naves crowned by semicircular apses. The temple has the usual liturgical orientation, with a slight deviation. In the construction of the temple in its stage romanesque, was used carved sandstone ax Cantero and properly squared.

    cesar mariles

  36. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-M22m-w_R-qc/TfY25yGpceI/AAAAAAAAADE/oEXH6OhLz6s/s1600/castillo_neuschwanstein-1920x1200.jpg

    this is the castle of neuschwansteine in germany, this castle have pinnacles, it have stained glasses, and the windows have the form of an arch

  37. http://beardhumangeo.blogspot.mx/2011/04/weekly-8-final-draft.html
    This is a example of the romanesque period because of the very big towers also the thick walls, small windows for a dark inside and the archivolts.
    Maximiliano Arciniega Dávila

  38. PEDRO ATILANO HDEZ. A01169905

    The church of saint martin is an example of the romanesque period, this church have one similar form to a latin cross, have a archs around of the church and inside the church there sculptured capitels.


  39. This is a romansque door or gate of a church with rounded archs they have more than one archs and it have some relieves in the same stone about a catolic history or something speciial about the church .

  40. http://blog.aia.org/favorites/2007/02/25_trinity_church_1877_boston.html


    Here we can find examples in reference to art and churches of the romanesque period

  41. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=sistine+chapel+outside+view&num=10&hl=es&biw=984&bih=615&tbm=isch&tbnid=vsuqGOUAqD5Y7M:&imgrefurl=http://www.regenerateculture.com/category/pontifications/&docid=0ncapbf3ibz3mM&imgurl=http://www.regenerateculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/StPetersBasilica21.jpg&w=600&h=449&ei=igJpUNCmKoHE2wW-2YGgBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=617&vpy=144&dur=2720&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=157&ty=67&sig=100643880226458977467&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:74

    The building has rounded archs, small windows, cornels vaults and thick walls who support the vaults.
    Tanya Desireé Romero Solis A01370593

  42. http://www.lib-art.com/artgallery/37634-tympanum-and-lintel-romanesque-sculptor-french.html

    The author of this sculpture is a french roman sculpture in La Madeleine, Neuilly-en-Donjo
    The sculpture has a religious meaning.
    We don´t see the human body naked and the figures are rigid.

    Ana Laura

  43. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?um=1&hl=es&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=509&tbm=isch&tbnid=48S4OJr5hdVF0M:&imgrefurl=http://artmagnifique.tumblr.com/post/5754832034&docid=H8K_4e7DrePiAM&imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2485/3717044586_08299336e6.jpg&w=500&h=347&ei=j1lqUIe3Majc2QXp-4GAAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=467&sig=114941299857207474867&page=5&tbnh=150&tbnw=230&start=56&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:56,i:274&tx=97&ty=114

    The Battistero di san Giovanni This construction is one of the most important and representative ones of the Romanesque period because it has all the caracteristics of baptistery and was one of the first building of this type. Here I posted two links :)

    The Florence Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni, translated Baptistery of St. John) a Florentine Romanesque style minor basilica, was built between 1059 and 1128 across from the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo).

    Many important personalties of the Renaissance were baptized at the Florence Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni), including Dante Alighieri and the Medici family, is a religious building in Siena, Italy. It is located in the square with the same name, near the final spans of the choir of the city's cathedral.


    Sara Valeria Navarro Reyes
